City bicycling and beautiful women

I have a small notebook in my bag, a real one not electronic, where I write down inspirational ideas crossing my mind for the blog. I’ve meant to create a post as a stylish girl’s guide bicycling in the city for awhile but it has been snowing the past week in Erlangen, the post it won’t be much coherent, as I usually walk or take the public transport to work.

It has been a subject of discussion between my friends, especially the ones from my university; the way I observe women. You see there some things about a truly beautiful woman, not easily described by words. It’s in the way she wears her scarf, how she walks on her high heels, the way she stirs her coffee, how she smiles, how she listens, how she doesn’t hesitate for body contact when you’re distressed- she hugs you and says everything will be OK.

I got carried away for a while there, back to a stylish girl’s guide bicycling in the city and my excellent observation skills. I believe there is nothing better than a woman well dressed on a bicycle (for the record, I find it much easier bicycling in my high heels, as the pedal secures between the heel and the sole).Β  I appreciate a good pair of short gloves, showing off a bit of skin and hand accessories. A pretty scarf, flying in the wind together with the hair as she pedals on narrow roads. The spine straight up, relaxed, she looks as if she has all the time in the world to see and to be seen.

Let me ask you a question; do you, like I notice such bizarre things that no one does? Make me feel better and attribute at least one.

I’m wearing

2nd Day Livia pearl coat In Sale (here) and (here)

Asos jumper (here)

Even & Odd beret (here)

PS by Paul Smith wool scarf (here)

Diesel corset jeans (here)

Senso Sarina II boots (here)

Cendric Charlier gloves (here)

Ted Baker bag (here)

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Photography by BulatovMaks